International Coalition for Multilingual Education and Equity (ICMEE) | University of Nebraska - Lincoln Research | DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
ICMEE, at its core, is a learning organization committed to imagining and realizing the possibilities of abolitionist teaching (Love, 2019) and learning projects. For us, such projects are grounded in pluralistic, democratic educational practices and outcomes that promote expansive multilingualism and equity. We seek to proactively disrupt notions of teaching and learning that fall into traditional cultural scripts wherein teaching is operationalized as surveillance and learning as compliance. We see the limitations of such teaching and learning practices as an evasion pedagogy where through compliance with such cultural practices, we proactively evade the possibilities of disrupting inequity.

To date, our work has focused on supporting the learning of teachers who work with multilingual students, especially general education teachers. We have started to grow our work to include all teachers concerned about racial justice and equity. In total, we strive to work with teachers, schools, districts, and organizations who are invested in equity initiatives and support multilingual approaches. In collaboration with various groups we seek to provide learning materials that match our commitments and can help to disrupt issues around oppression and inequity as well as deficit perspectives of multilingual students, families, and communities.

Through eWorkshops for educators, curriculum learning packets for multilingual learners, international research, and ongoing innitiatives and collaborations, ICMEE seeks to impact the way multilingual learners are perceived and taught. We constantly strive to help educators lay the groundwork upon which the ideal of equity can eventually be achieved.

Browse the International Coalition for Multilingual Education and Equity (ICMEE) Collections:

ICMEE Learning Packets: Level 1-2 of English Proficiency (K-5)

ICMEE Learning Packets: Level 1 of English Proficiency (K-12)

ICMEE Learning Packets: Level 2 of English Proficiency (K-12)

ICMEE Learning Packets: Level 3 of English Proficiency (K-12)