U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services: Staff Publications
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Dolbeer, R.A. and A.B. Franklin. 2013. Population management to reduce the risk of wildlife-aircraft collisions. In: T.L. DeVault, B.F. Blackwell, and J.L. Belant, editors. Wildlife in Airport Environments: Preventing Animal-Aircraft Collisions through Science-Based Management. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, in association with The Wildlife Society. 67-75.
Pour basic control strategies mitigate the risks to aviation caused by wildlife at airports: (1) aircraft flight schedule modification (primarily at military air· bases) and enhancement of aircraft visibility to avoid interactions with wildlife (e.g., Blackwell et a1. 2009b, 2012); (2) habitat modification and elimination of food, water, and cover that attract wildlife (Cleary and Dolbeer 2005, Blackwell et al. 2009a; Chapters 5, 8-10); (3) repellent and harassment techniques to disperse wild life (Cleary and Dolbeer 2005; Chapters 2-4); and (4) wildlife population management (e.g., Dolbeer 1998). As discussed throughout this book, successful efforts to mitigate the risk of wildlife-aircraft strikes at airports usually involve programs that attempt to inte· grate these strategies. This chapter focuses on wildlife population management.
U.S. government work.