U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services: Staff Publications
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The National Agricultural Statistics Service surveyed by telephone and mail in January and February 1997 all known producers of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus to acquire current information about wildlife-caused losses in calendar year 1996. Many producers tried to prevent wildlife-caused losses of their catfish by shooting (57%), vehicle patrol (55%), or frightening (36%), at an estimated cost of >$5 million. Yet, 69% of catfish produces cited some wildlife-caused losses. Birds were most frequently cited as a cause of losses, and double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus was the species cited most frequently (53%). The next most frequently cited bids were herons Ardea spp. (48%), egrets Egretta spp. (16%), and pelicans Pelecanus spp. (8%). Muskrats Ondatra zibethicus were cited by 10% of producers, primarily for damaging dikes and roads. The main problems caused by wildlife were feeding on catfish (67%), injuring catfish (40%) or disturbing feeding patterns of the catfish (23%). The total estimated cost of losses was $12 million. Overall, wildlife damage and damage prevention may have cost catfish producers >$17 million, about 4% of the total $425 million of catfish sales in 1996. Of the 44% of all catfish producers who were familiar with Wildlife Services (WS), 51% had ever contacted WS for assistance, 55% used methods suggested by WS to reduce their losses, and 40% received direct assistance from WS in 1996. Mississippi producers, who most frequently received direct assistance from WS, had proportionately lower wildlife- caused losses.
Published in Journal of the World Aquaculture Society Vol. 30, No. 4, December 1999.