"Review of <i> The Political Ecology of Tropical Forests in Southeast A" by Sarah Hitchner

Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for


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Published in Ecological and Environmental Anthropology Vol. 1, No. 1, 2005. Copyright © 2005 Hitchner. Used by permission. Online at http://eea.anthro.uga.edu/index.php/eea/index


This book contains ten articles that explore the complicated relationships between and among producers and consumers of tropical forest products in Southeast Asia. The authors focus on understanding current political, economic, ecological, and social situations in their proper historical contexts. These papers cover the many types of forests that exist in Southeast Asia, as well as the many types of forest use regimes. Using political ecology as a framework, they find commonalities in the political processes behind forest use and abuse. This book tackles difficult issues, such as the power relations among the various actors involved in forest management; the often unequal distribution of costs and benefits of forest exploitation; the discourses of science, neoclassical economics, sustainable forest management, and national development; and the colonial and pre-colonial roots of current deforestation in this region. Some of the papers are broad in regional and theoretical scope, while others are case studies of specific countries and villages.
