"Preface and Table of Contents"

Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for



Date of this Version

January 1994


Published in Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage. Editors, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Robert M. Timm, Gary E. Larson. 1994. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2 vols.


This handbook is a comprehensive reference of North American vertebrate species that can cause economic damage to resources or become a nuisance at various times and places. It is intended for use by extension agents and specialists, wildlife biologists, animal control officers, public health personnel, pest control operators, teachers and students of wildlife biology, and others who deal with wildlife damage problems.

Wildlife damage management is an essential part of contemporary wildlife management. During the past decade there has been significant research and development in this field. This publication is a condensation of current, research-based information on wildlife that cause problems and the control of damage that they cause. While it emphasizes prevention of damage as being desirable when possible, it does not neglect the necessity of population reduction in those cases where animals must be removed to solve problems. It stresses an integrated approach to damage management and includes treatment of materials and techniques such as exclusion, habitat modification, repellents, frightening stimuli, toxicants, fumigants, trapping, shooting, and others. All of the major vertebrate pesticides that are currently federally registered are included. Since pesticide registrations change from time to time and new materials become available, users are advised to check with appropriate federal and state authorities for updated information.
