"Obtaining Assistance to Control Wildlife Damage" by Philip S. Gipson and Russel F. Reidinger Jr.

Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for


Date of this Version

January 1994


Published in Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage. Editors, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Robert M. Timm, Gary E. Larson. 1994. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2 vols.


The Wildlife Society (TWS) policy statement for wildlife damage control (1992) states: “Prevention or control of wildlife damage . . . is an essential and responsible part of wildlife management.” The role of wildlife damage control in our society is changing and so is public perception of it. This change is recognized among wildlife managers and researchers. Efforts are under way to make the wildlife damage control profession more responsive to concerns of society. Formal petition for the establishment of a Wildlife Damage Working Group within TWS was made to the Wildlife Society Council on March 21, 1993 and the following day the council approved interim status for the working group. Wildlife damage control professionals should be prepared to promptly supply the best information available to solve conflicts between people and wildlife. Often, the most urgently needed information is where to go for assistance when a problem arises. This chapter provides options for obtaining assistance. It tells who does what to minimize conflicts between people and wild animals, and it gives suggestions for obtaining self-help information and/or reaching people who can provide onsite help.
