Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for


Propane exploders and Electronic Guards were ineffective at reducing deer damage in cornfields

Jason M. Gilsdorf, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Scott E. Hyngstrom, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Kurt C. VerCauteren, USDA/APHIS National Wildlife Center
Erin E. Blankenship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Richard M. Engeman, USDA/APHIS National Wildlife Center

Document Type Article

Published in Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:2 (2004), pp. 524-531.


White-tailed deer {Odocoileus virginianus) cause millions of dollars of damage to agricultural crops annually. We tested the effectiveness of propane exploders and Electronic Guards (Pocatello Supply Depot, Pocatello, Id.) for reducing deer damage in cornfields during the siiking-tasseling stage of growth. Track-count indices, corn yields, and estimated damage levels did not differ between experimental and control fields. The size, location, and percent overlap of use-areas of radiomarked female deer in the vicinity of experimental fields did not differ among before, during, and after 18-day treatment periods. In a related study, we placed propane exploders in cornfields within use-areas of 12 radiomarked female deer. The deer did not react appreciably to the devices: the size, location, and percent overlap of deer use-areas did not differ among before, during, and after 14-day treatment periods. We conclude that propane exploders and Electronic Guards have limited potential for reducing deer damage to corn at the siiking-tasseling stage.