"Public Health Confronts the Chicken, the Hamster, and the Goat" by W. John Pape

Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for


Date of this Version

May 2006


John Pape is an Epidemiologist with the Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. This slide-show presents facts and images relating to Zoonoses: diseases of animals transmissible to humans under natural conditions. The characteristics of Zoonoses are: common in natural reservoir, uncommon in people; rural exposure; serious diseases with high fatality rates; complex cycles; prevention achieved via “The Weakest Link.” Zoonotic diseases comprise the majority of potential bioterrorist agents and emerging infections.

Specific sections include:
Influenza, Avian Influenza,and Pandemic Influenza
Projected Pandemic Scenarios COLORADO
H5N1 Surveillance Strategy in US
Baylisascaris and Racoons
Q-fever Outbreak Associated with Goats
Hamsters & Tularemia
Sin Nombre Virus in Colorado: Deer Mice and Cotton Rats
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
Human Plague Cases in Colorado
Animal Plague Surveillance
West Nile Virus: Outlook for 2006?
