"IMPACTS of FERAL and FREE-RANGING CATS on Bird Species of Conservation" by Linda Winter and George E. Wallace Ph.D.

Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for


Date of this Version

May 2006


Published by American Bird Conservancy. Permission to use.


This report reviews cat predation impacts on rare birds in the states of New York, New Jersey, Flor¬ida, California, and Hawaii, reviews government-authorized programs and ordinances affecting feral and free-ranging cats and their management, and makes recommendations on better ways to manage cat overpopulation problems. Sites marked * are State Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and sites marked ** are Global IBAs as identified by American Bird Conservancy (ABC) in The American Bird Conservancy Guide to the 500 Most Important Bird Areas in The United States. These areas are considered high priorities for cat control to protect threatened bird species.
