"The Probe, Issue 185 – February 1998"

Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for



Date of this Version

February 1998


Animal Rights Groups Should Give Shelters Money, by Susan E. Paris
In Memoriam--Obituary: Norton R. Miner
From the President -- Robert H. Giles, Jr., President, NADCA
Job Announcements: 1. Coordinator, Isabela Project, Galapagos National Park Service; 2. Leader of Eradication Program Galapagos National Park Service
Brochure Provides Advice to Ranchers on Wolf Livestock Kills
Seattle Coyote Gets A Lift
Radio Says "No Thanks" to Fund
Oregon Mink Farms Attacked
Rabies Down, Tapeworms Up in European Foxes

More Reports From the 4th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society:
Linking Spatial Heterogeneity and Social Behavior to Carnivore Population Dynamics: Development and Evaluation of a Simulation Model for Managing Feral Cats--Randy 0. Farrar, R. Brand Phillips, and Robert H. Schmidt
Mountain Lion Population Trends in the Guadalupe Mountains (1987-1996)-- Louis A. Harveson*, Bill Route, Fred Armstrong, and Michael E. Tewes.
An Evaluation of Conditioned Taste Aversion to Deter Nest Predators-- Fidel Hernandez, Dale Rollins, and R. Cantu.
Activity of Generalist Mammalian Predators and Patterns of Nest Predation on Different Kinds of Edges--Edward J. Heske*, Scott K. Robinson, Jeffrey D. Brawn, and William D. Dijak
Management of Wildlife-Related Power Outages in Electrical Substations-- JohnB. James, Eric C. Hellgren, and Ron E. Masters
Canada Geese in Northwestern Oregon / Southwestern Washington: Too Many and Too Few-- Robert L. Jarvis* and Robert E. Trost
Supplemental Feeding of Predators to Reduce Nest Depredation-- Richard L. King, Jaime E. Jimenez, Michael R. Conover, and Terry A. Messmer.
Effects of Large Predators on Cervid Mortality and Population Trends In and Near Glacier National Park, Montana--Kyran E. Kunkel and Daniel H. Pletscher
