National Council of Instructional Administrators


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Instructional Leadership Abstracts, Volume 9 Issue 2, April 2014


Copyright 2014 University of Nebraska


Russell Lowery-Hart, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Amarillo College, was selected by NCIA as the 2013 recipient of the Instructional Leadership Award. Dr. Lowery-Hart has been instrumental in promoting a philosophical shift at Amarillo College by challenging all employees to focus intently on helping the students. In this abstract you will read how Russell’s leadership has enabled faculty and staff to embrace responsibility for the “whole” student.

Amarillo College is proud of Russell Lowery-Hart’s transformative leadership. As Vice-President for Academic Affairs he has changed the college by challenging all employees to focus intently on helping students. His mantra “we have to educate the students we have, not the students we wish we had” has redefined the Amarillo College work. Through his innovation and motivation, Amarillo College has seen important increases in completion and retention.
