Lepidoptera Survey | University of Nebraska - Lincoln Research | DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The International Lepidoptera Survey is a non-profit organization devoted to the discovery, determination, and documentation, of new butterflies and moths around the world.

Our Motto: "We can not protect that which we do not know."

TILS was founded in 1998 by the late Ronald Gatrelle and Scott Massey both of Goose Creek, South Carolina and Harry Pavulaan of Herndon, Virginia. Contact: Harry Pavulaan (pavulaan@aol.com) for questions about TILS.

TILS publishes The Taxonomic Report of the International Lepidoptera Survey (TTR) and the International Lepidoptera Newsletter.

Browse the The International Lepidoptera Survey Collections:

International Lepidoptera Survey Newsletter

The Taxonomic Report of the International Lepidoptera Survey