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Poster Presentation: “Navigating from the Local to the Cosmopolitan: Expanding the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons” Poster at 2008 International Society of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, October 2008 (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)


This collaborative poster highlights how "Expanding‐the‐SOTL‐Commons" is composed of nine collaborating institutions from the US and Canada. Situated within the Carnegie Academy for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’s Intuitional Leadership Program, our initiative seeks innovative ways to sustain and advance the teaching commons both on our own campuses and across the broader ISSOTL community. Our diverse group of institutions of higher education acknowledges the multiple dimensions of work that communities and individuals contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning and recognizes that common interest reside in how individuals and institutions enter into this area of scholarship, and how they engage with it progressively and developmentally. Results to date highlight shared intersections of institutional initiatives as our projects develop along a trajectory from the local to the cosmopolitan; as we find ways to enrich and broaden the scholarship of teaching and learning within and beyond institutional borders, we address the tensions and challenges presented by multiple audiences, diverse institutional contexts, institutional accountability and differing SOTL goals.
