Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


Document Type


Date of this Version



Insecta Mundi (August 2, 2024) 1069

Review editor: David Plotkin

ZooBank registration:


Copyright 2024, the authors. Open access

License: CC BY-NC 3.0


Fifteen new species of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Disteniidae) from Hispaniola (the Dominican Republic and Haiti) are diagnosed, described, and illustrated: Novantinoe pilithorax Lingafelter, new species (Disteniini); Eburiola ciferrii Lingafelter, new species (Eburiini), Eburiola konstantinovi Lingafelter, new species (Eburiini), Elaphidion jaragua Lingafelter, new species (Elaphidiini), Linsleyonides guerreroi Lingafelter, new species (Elaphidiini), Compsibidion iviei Lingafelter, new species (Tropidini: Subtribe Neoibidionina), Hormathus albisetosus Lingafelter, new species (Tropidini: Subtribe Compsina), Trichrous eryphoides Lingafelter, new species (Dichophyiini), Plectrocerum woodruffi Lingafelter, new species (Dichophyiini), Oreodera nearnsi Lingafelter, new species (Acrocinini/Acanthoderini), Acrepidopterum fuscum Lingafelter, new species (Apomecynini), Acrepidopterum giesberti Lingafelter, new species (Apomecynini), Estola touroulti Lingafelter, new species (Desmiphorini), Eupogonius baorucensis Lingafelter, new species (Desmiphorini), and Eupogonius nigroapicalis Lingafelter, new species (Desmiphorini). Callidium biguttatum Sallé, 1856 is transferred to Calliclytus Fisher, 1932 new combination. The tribe Callidiini is thus removed from the West Indian fauna. Smodicum miserum Thomson, 1878 is a new synonym of Enosmaeus cubanus Thomson, 1878. Heterops hispaniolae Fisher, 1932 is a new synonym of Eburiola geminata (Fabricius, 1787) and the Dominican Republic is a new country record for the species. Linsleyonides portoricensis (Fisher, 1932) is newly recorded for Hispaniola and the Dominican Republic, new country and island record. Mallosoma bicolor Sallé, 1856 (formerly Trichrous) is transferred to Pseudothonalmus Guerrero in Lingafelter and Micheli, 2004, new combination. Trichrous bicolor Fisher, 1932 (now Trichrous fisheri Monné and Giesbert, 1992 due to homonymy) is a new synonym of Trichrous jaegeri Chevrolat, 1858. Rhopalophora baracoana Zayas, 1975 is transferred to Plectrocerum Dejean, 1835, new combination, and this removes Rhopalophorini from the West Indian fauna. Plectrocerum cribratum Sallé, 1856 is a new synonym of Plectrocerum spinicorne (Olivier, 1800). Plinthocoelium virens (Linnaeus, 1758) is re-established as the proper name for the West Indian species previously known as Plinthocoelium columbinum (Guérin-Méneville, 1838). The African species called Philematium virens (Linnaeus) should use the senior-most synonym and be called Philematium sansibaricum (Gerstaecker, 1871). Plinthocoelium domingoensis (Fisher, 1922) is a new synonym of Plinthocoelium virens (Linnaeus, 1758). Neoclytus pallidicornis Fisher, 1932 is a new synonym of Neoclytus podagricus White, 1855.
