"Reubicación sistemática de "la cochinilla del Delta" (Homoptera: Cocci" by María Cristina Granara de Willink

Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


Document Type


Date of this Version

March 1998


Published in Insecta Mundi Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2, March-June, 1998. Copyright © 1998 by Granara de Willink.

Insecta Mundi, published by the Center for Systematic Entomology, is available online at http://centerforsystematicentomology.org/.


Resumen: Mesolecanium deltae Lizer y Trelles, 1917 y Lecanium perlatum Cockerell, 1898, son conocidas como plagas de citrus en Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, y Uruguay. El estudio del material lleva a la conclusión de que son sinónomos, y que la especie estaría mejor ubicada en el género Parthenolecanium, por lo que se propone a Parthenolecanium perlatum (Cockerell) como una nueva combinación.

Abstract: Mesolecanium deltae Lizer y Trelles, 1917 and Lecanium perlatum Cockerell, 1898, are known as citrus pests in Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The study of the material leads to the conclusion that they are synonymous, and the species is better placed in the genus Parthenolecanium, so Parthenolecanium perlatum (Cockerell) is proposed as a new combination.

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