Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


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Date of this Version



Insecta Mundi 0445: 1–13


Published in 2015 by Center for Systematic Entomology, Inc. P. O. Box 141874 Gainesville, FL 32614-1874 USA Copyright held by the author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons, Attribution Non-Commercial License


Seven species of Drapetes Megerle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) are recognized from northern North America. Drapetes chiricahua new species is described from southeastern Arizona and north-central New Mexico. Drapetes parallelus Van Dyke is a senior homonym of Drapetes paralellus Cobos by variant spelling, and a new synonym of Drapetes cylindricus Fall. Drapetes paralellus Cobos is replaced with Drapetes cobosi new name. Drapetes clarki Bonvouloir is not a North American species and is given a redesignated type locality in Brazil. Drapetes plagiatus (Boheman) is not a California species and is given a redesignated type locality in Panama. New state records are reported for Drapetes exstriatus (Say) from Arkansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. A key to the species of the region is provided and each species is illustrated.
