Digital Commons - Information and Tools



Paul Royster

Date of this Version



FY 2009 was the 4th year of operations for the UNL Digital Commons, which again established new records for recruitment, participation, and usage.

During the year, the repository grew from being the 4th largest in the United States to the 2nd largest, overtaking MIT’s DSpace and Ohio State’s KnowledgeBank repositories. Nebraska now trails only Michigan’s Deep Blue in number of documents in a traditionally configured institutional repository.

8,393 new open access articles were deposited, an increase of 1,275 (18%) over the previous year. At June 30, 2009, the repository held 23,885 open-access documents, plus 10,965 ETDs in the ProQuest database, for a total of 34,850.

1,379,604 downloads were furnished, an increase of 550,379 (66%) over the previous year.
