Institute for the Advancement of Developing Economies
Date of this Version
Document Type
Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1. ISSN:2161-8216
doi 10.32873/unl.dc.jade813
This study determined the factors that influence the economic burden of water-borne diseases and the associated financial cost for rural households in southwestern Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling method was used to select four hundred and thirty-seven rural households from whom data were collected for the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and cost of illness approach. The results revealed that an average household had six members with an average quarterly income of N80,717.52 (N160.00 = 1US dollar, at time of study). The sum of N28,571.36 was incurred as economic cost of water-borne diseases per household per quarter in the study area. Gender (p<0.05), access to safe water (P<0.1), cholera epidemic (p<0.01), diarrhoea infection (p<0.1), access to improved toilet (p<0.1) and State dummy (p<0.01) were the significant factors affecting economic burden of water-borne diseases in the study area. The study therefore recommends that rural households should consume quality water or water from improved sources (borehole and well water) so as to combat water-borne diseases. They should also seek medical attention when they fall ill. In the same vein, the three tiers of government (federal, state and local) should give more priority to sensitizing rural households on water-borne diseases control programs in order to prevent economic losses resulting from loss of income and shortage of food supply.
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