U.S. Joint Fire Science Program


Date of this Version


Document Type



Joint Fire Sciences Program Project # 08-1-6-09


US government work.


This document reports our success in achieving the objectives and accomplishing the deliverables proposed in the project “Validation of Smoke Transport Models with Airborne and Lidar Experiments”. This final report is divided into four sections. Section 1, the Background, describes the purpose of the project and summarizes the project objectives and how accomplishment of these objectives addresses the original research solicitation JFSP AFP-2008-1, Task 6. The Background section also provides relates the project purpose material on smoke dispersion and air quality forecasting systems. The goal of Section 2 is to illustrate how the accomplished tasks contribute towards the project objective of providing smoke dispersion and fire environment datasets to validate smoke dispersion and air quality. Section 2 provides a summary description of the study area, the fire events studied, and the data collected for each fire. The study methods for collecting primary data (airborne and Lidar observations) and ancillary data (e.g. burned area, fuels, and weather) are described in Section 3. The primary deliverable of this project is a dataset for the evaluation of plume rise and smoke dispersion models. The structure and content of this dataset is described in Section 3. The project results for each fire event studied are reported in Section 4. On a fire event basis, Section 4 summarizes each fire, describes the specific primary and ancillary observations collected for each fire, and provides an inventory of the data files contained in the project dataset. The final section provides a list of accompany documents (deliverables) and a bibliography of publications and presentations delivered by this project.
