Department of Finance



Date of this Version


Document Type




Editorial Policy: Topics suitable for this journal include AIDS, annuity products, asset-liability matching, cash-flow testing, casualty rate making, credibility theory, credit insurance, disability insurance, expense analysis, experience studies, FASB issues, financial reporting, group insurance, health insurance, individual risk taking, insurance regulations, international issues, investments, liability insurance, loss reserves, marketing, pensions, pricing issues, product development, reinsurance, reserving issues, risk-based capital, risk theory, social insurance, solvency issues, taxation, valuation issues, and workers' compensation

Review Process

Editor - Colin Ramsay, University of Nebraska

Associate Editors: Robert Brown, University of Waterloo ○ Cecil Bykerk, Mutual of Omaha ○ Ruy Cardoso, Actuarial Frameworks ○ Samuel Cox, Georgia State University ○ David Cummins, University of Pennsylvania ○ Robert Finger, Retired ○ Charles Fuhrer, The Segal Company ○ Farrokh Guiahi, Hofstra University ○ Steven Haberman, City University ○ Merlin Jetton, Retired ○ Eric Klieber, Buck Consultants ○ Edward Mailander, WeIlpoint Health Networks ○ Charles McClenahan, Mercer Oliver Wyman ○ Robert Myers, Temple University ○ Norman Nodulman, Retired ○ François Outreville, United Nations ○ Timothy Pfeifer, Milliman USA ○ Esther Portnoy, University of Illinois ○ Robert Reitano, John Hancock Financial Services ○ Alice Rosenblatt, WeIlpoint Health Networks ○ Arnold Shapiro, Penn State University ○ Elias Shiu, University of Iowa ○ Michael Sze, Sze Associates Ltd. ○ Joseph Tan, National Actuarial Network ○ Ronnie Tan, Great Eastern Life ○ Richard Wendt, Tower Perrin Margo Young, Technical Editor

© Copyright April 2005

Absalom Press, Inc.

P.O. Box 22098, Lincoln, NE 68542-2098, USA.

Journal of Actuarial Practice ISSN 1064-6647
