Journalism and Mass Communications, College of


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Published in Quill October/November 2007. Quill is published and copyright by the Society of Professional Journalists. All rights reserved. Used by permission.


Hilary Rodham Clinton. John Edwards. Rudy Giuliani. John McCain. Barack Obama. Bill Richardson. Mitt Romney. Fred Thompson. So many choices.

Honesty. Integrity. Knowledge. Wisdom. Experience. Intelligence. Leadership. Strength. Prosperity. Family dynamics. Health. Such high standards.

As journalists, we are charged with exploring the issues and the candidates, revealing to voters the candidates' stances on the issues and who they are as individuals and leaders. We look at their experience, or lack thereof. Their voting record, or lack thereof. We look at their professional and personal lives. Their health, their wealth, their associations, their decisions are subject to scrutiny. We do this in the name of democracy, where freedom reigns supreme.

What would happen, though, if we turned the hot heat of examination to our own lives? If we're lucky, our lives, our decisions, will not be splashed across the Internet, radio, television and newspapers. Nevertheless, examination is good for the soul.
