Journalism and Mass Communications, College of
Date of this Version
This series of 15 stories examines County government in Nebraska -- how it came to be as it is, what it does. what it costs, and what it means to the people who live in central and western Nebraska. The stories were reported and written by students in the Depth Reporting class at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Journalism and Mass Communications. Cooperating in publication of the 15-part series were the Kearney Hub, North Platte Telegraph, and Scottsbluff Star-Herald.
Series looks at questions of state's county structure
Despite job's big changes, career lawman still is living his dream
Unification helps schools avoid becoming consolidated
Tax reality vs. beliefs
Immigrant choices of "home" a boon to towns
Ex-gov.: Alternative to taxes was economic death
'County clerk' five jobs in one
The county merger debate rolls on
Small Counties, Big Costs
Research: Five factors in county formation, yet specific reasons still unclear
Assessors aren't in their job to be liked
With teamwork, counties can afford to go on
Tiny Wallace likes but worries about its problem
Agritours help people learn, plus help rural people earn
Nebraskans say they're mostly satisfied with county services
Fewer people, same services
Precarious Balancing Act: Counties Struggle With Taxes
Depth Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2006.