Department of Educational Administration


Date of this Version


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Journal of Women in Educational Leadership, Vol. 6. No.2-April 2008 ISSN: 1541-6224


Copyright © 2008 Pro>Active Publications. Used by permission.


There are many stories told of the manuscripts that languish for lack of a publisher. These are often well-written, important works. One problem is that there is limited space in journals for manuscripts. If you want to be published, you must focus your writing on a publishable topic. How do you know what is publishable? One step is to review the existing journals to see what is being published. Reviewing an entire volume of a journal provides a clear picture ofwhafs hot and what's not. Some journals announce the theme issues for a year. This provides direction too. Individuals who are prolific and well-published writers can provide insight to the publishing possibilities. Cultivate these colleagues since they are good sources of information. Editors are excellent resources for pointing writers in worthy directions. Often you can visit with editors at national conferences. Frequently editors offer workshops offering advice and direction to writers. Sometimes editors can be found at conventions near the booths of their publishing houses. Editors can elucidate the publishing possibilities. Making these connections requires initiative on the part of the author. Building long-term relationships with authors and editors should be the goal of the author who hopes to develop a long and productive writing career. Look to these experts for writing direction. Each will offer different perspectives and each will enrich your thinking and writing craft. Editors are the best resource for an enthusiastic response to your writing queries.
