Department of Educational Administration
Date of this Version
Document Type
2009 Pro>Active Publications
The perspective of women in leadership positions is of particular impor- tance in Europe. It is a main subject in the areas of research and science. For example: At the University of Augsburg we conducted several studies of women's leadership and the female academic career in view of gender is- sues such as gender within the family and in socialization. Furthermore we accomplished two gender mainstreaming studies with the focus on equity in several universities in Germany (Gender mainstreaming is a European law of 1997 and a political strategy of diversity management).
In this article we want to show the perspective on women's leadership in Europe. Therefore we want to present the European data on the educational status of girls and women at schools and universities and in academic ca- reers. Data for Germany is presented as an example to provide evidence of some details. First, we want to point out four contradictions for women in the education system and concerning leadership positions. Second, data is discussed and some results of research explaining the data are given. Fi- nally, we present a European Program for the educational system to give women more chances: The so called "Gender Mainstreaming Program."
Journal ofWomen in Educational Leadership, Vol. 7, No. I-January 2009 ISSN: 1541-6224