Department of Educational Administration


Date of this Version


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Journal Of Women in Educational Leadership. Vol. 1, No. 1-January 2003 ISSN: 1541-6224


©2003 Pro>Active Publications


Standing at the crossroads: Next steps for high-achieving women was written to address the changes occurring for woman managers. Rudennan and Ohlott, professionals in the field of leadership development, noted that significant changes occurred for women managers from the 1980s to the 1990s. They observed two changes: First, although the number of women in top positions stayed low, the number in mid level positions grew significantly. Second, the issues for women changed from concern about "gaining access to the boardroom to gaining comfort in the personal life choices associated with a managerial career" (p. 2). Women reached a point where they were more concerned about making choices that fit both their professional and personal beliefs and values rather than being concerned about fitting into existing structures. Gone was the hesitation to instinctively lead based on what they believed to be the right way to lead-a way that for years had been viewed as weak and poweriess-a way that presently is recognized as an effective and moral way to lead (Sergiovanni, 1999).
