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This paper is presented in World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly 10-15 Aug. 2010 Gothenburg Sweden


This paper analyzes the opinion of LIS professionals about their motivational preferences on work place in Pakistani Universities. Questionnaire survey was used as data gathering instrument. The main objective of study is to explore the preferred motivators of LIS professionals and the relevancy of Herzberg Hygiene-Motivational theory to Pakistani context. The findings reveal that the respondents most preferred motivators are: opportunity to learn new skills and groom, opportunity for career development, having authority and responsibility, sense of fulfillment and communication. The least preferred motivators for LIS professionals are: culture of innovation and creativity, job security, participative management, employee welfare policies and fringe benefits. Its findings also support the Herzberg theory that learning opportunities and career development are more important to motivate them than job security and fringe benefits. This is the ever first empirical study to investigate the preferred motivators of LIS professionals and applicability of Hertzberg’s findings in Pakistani context. Being the first study the findings will be helpful for university higher authorities and HEC to enhance job satisfaction among LIS professionals and improve the overall performance through strategic planning.
