Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-12-2014

Document Type



An Analysis of Subject Coverage and Worldwide Involvement of E-LIS: the International Repository for Library and Information Science.

Nestor L. Osorio

Northern Illinois University

University Libraries

DeKalb, IL 60115, USA



E-LIS, E-prints for Library and Information Science, is a subject-oriented repository initiated in January 2003 by a group of European information specialists. E-LIS is an open-access repository run by experts and editors from many different countries and with holdings originating in 110 countries. The first purpose of this study is to provide a description of E-LIS with special attention to the types of documents archived and the geographical distribution of its contributors. The second purpose is to determine the subject coverage, which is done by using several well-known bibliometric techniques. Using co-occurrences of subject terms, a cluster analysis is performed, producing four major clusters; a correspondence analysis of keywords and subject terms produces eight groups of association.
