Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Hawa, Osman and Dankwah, Dominic Agyei, "Information Use in Decision Making By Parliamentarians in Ghana" (2014). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).
Information is an important ingredient in decision making by Ghanaian parliamentarians. The objective of the study was to determine the types of information members of parliament (MPs) needed, how they acquired and utilized them in the decision making processes and the problems they encountered in finding relevant information.
The survey method was used for the study. Data was collected from a sample of 115 parliamentarians through the use of questionnaire. The data collected were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).
Some of the key findings of the study are that MPs consulted many sources of information some of which were: model standing orders, minutes of committee meetings, official memoranda, government publications, newspapers, radio/TV, books/journals/magazine and electronic databases. Other findings among others were the use of outdated print materials in the library; lack of awareness of information sources; the use of untrained professionals, and the limited use of information communication technology.
On the basis of the findings, the study made a number of recommendations, prominent among them are that information resources must be marketed; the library and information centres must be improved; information providers engaged for MPs must be professionals; funds should be made available for the provision of information resources and office accommodation and information communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure should be made available to parliamentarians.