Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The research concern of this study was to find out the importance of libraries to lawmakers. The objectives of the study were to: To find out the importance of libraries to effective legislation; To state the indispensability of information for effective, quality and meaningful representation by the lawmaker.; To find out the reasons for the lackadaisical attitude to the use of libraries by lawmakers; To examine the state and the total organization of the libraries. Edo state House of Assembly provided the data and the institutional setting. Survey research method was used for the study. The major findings were that; Libraries are important to lawmakers and indispensable to effective legislation; All the lawmakers use the library occasionally; Lack of relevant materials is a hindrance to library services to lawmakers. Poor funding is responsible for the poor state of the library information materials and other facilities; Lawmakers cannot succeed effectively without a modern functional library; there is poor reading culture among Nigerian lawmakers. The study recommended among others that; there should be a periodic national conference by the Nigerian library Association, Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria and National Institute for Legislative Studies, to sensitize lawmakers both at national and State level(s) on the importance of libraries to lawmakers. ; Legislative Libraries should in collaboration with other libraries and experts, mount occasionally programmes of user education and information literacy to enhance the capacity of library users. Parliamentary Librarians should take the advantage of modern information technology for the augmentation and innovation of parliamentary library services significantly; qualified personnel should be recruited to manage parliamentary libraries across the country. It should not be a dumping ground for career civil servants.