"Collaboration trend in Indian Business-Management research: A bibliome" by Rakhi V S

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Rakhi, V.S.( 2014). Collaboration trend in Indian Business-Management Research: A bibliometric perspective.Library Philsophy and Practice


The study has brought out the current landscape of Indian collaboration in research in the discipline of Business management. Co-authorship patterns derived from 1997-2012 data in the EBSCO-Host BSP (Business Source Premier)dtabase are analyzed to show the status of Business Management (BM) collaboration in India. The growth of co-authored publications during the study period is calculated as 37.94 percent and single authored papers as 42.7 percent using the log- linear model. Three different levels of collaboration as local(LL) national(NL) and international(IL) are discussed. On examining the sectoral collaboration measured as papers authored by academic and non-academic authors it is found that academic contribution dominates in BM research. Indian researchers in management are more often collaborated nationally and locally than with foreign partners outside the country. International co-publication representing 30.3% of the co-authored publication shows a gradual decline over the period. On examining the affiliation of authors and co-authors it is evident that the lion share of publications are brought out by the academic collaboration. The collaboration between academic and non academic researchers is reported at very low level but shows more internationally co-authored papers. The United States dominates in partnering with India by producing more number of papers, followed by United Kingdom, China, Canada and Australia. The ranking of institutions show that the institutions like IIMs, IITs are dominating in productivity and the private sector institutes are still lagging behind.
