Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose: the purpose of the work was to investigate the knowledge of Librarians about Social Media and how they are using it. Methodology: the methodology employed for this work is descriptive research design using a self-developed questionnaire which is carefully compared with available literatures. Twenty-six different tertiary institutions (Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, school of nursing) covering four states in the south west Nigeria was used. SPSS and frequency count using tables, graph and charts were adopted for the analysis. Findings: from the analysis of the result it was found that about half of the Librarians are yet to have in-depth knowledge of SM; Facebook is the still the most common while Skype, Twitter, and LinkedIn were not very popular among them. Facebook is also the mostly used SM, the duration spent on SM weekly is small and the major hardware used is phone and personal laptops. The usual place of accessing SM address is the Library/office. Majority of the Librarians have 2 SM account and the major uses are chatting and gisting. Uploading, reading of blogs or posting of other people and asking of questions have a low response. Conclusion and Recommendation: based on the findings, recommendatio
