Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Aina, L. O. (2004).Library and information science text for Africa. Ibadan, Nigeria: Third World Information Services Limited.

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Reitz, Joan (2004). Dictionary for Library and Information Science. Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited.

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This study evaluated the use of library resources and services by students of Paul University, Awka in Anambra State, Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research method and employed a structured questionnaire and observations as instruments for data collection. The entire population of 276 students of Paul University Awka was involved in the study. The study was guided by 6 research questions. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics which include percentages, frequencies and mean rating. Findings revealed that students fairly use the library for their studies. Observation shows that they use the library most during examination periods. It also revealed that resources currently available are fairly adequate and fairly accessible to the students. Furthermore, the study revealed that users are satisfied with the services and facilities provided by the library. Problems militating against effective use of the University Library by the students were identified and solutions were proffered. It was recommended among others that the habit of using the Library should be inculcated into students through avenues such as organizing library display, library exhibition, library orientation, and inclusion of use of library as a course in the University’s curriculum so as to attract students to the Library.
