Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The declining interest in reading among students in higher institution is a challenge to all, as it affects the educational standard and the quality of graduate sent into the society. Survey method was used to carry out this research and the target population was students of Adeleke University Ede which totalled 705. A random sampling method was adopted for the research work. A total number of 220 were sampled from the total population. A well structured questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data for the study. A total of 220 questionnaires was administered on the respondents, 212 copies were returned and found valid for analysis. The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. The research reveals that e-book, e-journal, and e-news are the most commonly use electronic resources among the students. It further reveals that electronic information resources are often utilized among the student of the institution. When trying to find out the reading pattern of the students, the research reveals that most of the students read less than two hours daily. The research shows that most students have inadequate skill on how to use e-resources. The respondents reveal that a poor internet facility is a key factor hindering the use of electronic resources in the library. The following recommendations were also made among others; there should be more awareness on the use of databases and e-reference. Students that rarely or never utilized electronic information resources should be encouraged doing so; academicians should improve upon the low level of reading skills among students of the institution. Students that read for less than two hours should be made to see the reason to read for more hours as a student.

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