Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study examined Internet Search Strategies employed by undergraduate students of Library and Information Science (LIS), University of Nigeria, Nsukka for research. The study was guided by five research questions. 100 students were randomly selected from the undergraduate students of LIS, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Questionnaire was used as the main instrument for the gathering of data. Data collected were analyzed using simple frequency tables and mean. The study revealed that most of the students were using the Internet to search for materials for writing term papers, projects and other assignments in other to enhance their academic work. The study equally revealed that, the Internet search strategies employed by the students includes: use of search engines, sourcing information from the university library database and key word searching. Frequent power outage, slow Internet connections, and lack of training in basic Internet skills were found to be the major problems encountered by LIS students while using the Internet for research. Following these major findings, it was recommended that, stable power supply, and adequate training should be provided. Also, Internet services and Internet Bandwidth should be made available by the school administration.
