Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The purpose of this paper is to compare the level of awareness and use of e-journals by the scientists of Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Delhi and Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB), Kolkata, India- both centre of excellence in their field of research and premier Institutes of 39 laboratories of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - India's largest research and development organization. The paper is based on the results of a well structured questionnaire administered to all the scientists of the two under study institutes for the purpose of data collection supplemented by interview and observation methods. The main findings are that 100% of scientists at CSIR-IGIB and CSIR-IICB are using e-journals for their research and development activities and for updating their knowledge from their campus cabin mostly. The study reveals that there are significant differences observed in frequency of visiting and using library, features liked most, and search strategies employed by the scientists at the under study libraries. But, similarity is found in use of open access e-journals, purpose of use, method of reading, and format of reading e-journals. CSIR-IGIB library has better infrastructure and its scientists are more satisfied with infrastructure in terms of highest computing facility, number of terminals, internet connections, printers, e-resources provided by the library for accessing e-journals. Scientists at CSIR-IICB, Kolkata face more hindrances in using e-journals. No facility is available for searching desired article from back volume at both under study libraries. A substantial portion of the scientists are not aware of specialized services like Selective Dissemination Services (SDI), Current Awareness Services (CAS) at both under study libraries. Least use of Boolean Operators at select libraries is common searching point that shows weakness in terms of technical knowledge on behalf of the users and necessitates user training program. The present study consists only of scientists of the two institutes i.e. CSIR-IGIB and CSIR-IICB and the geographical area is restricted to CSIR-IGIB, Delhi and CSIR-IICB, Kolkata. The scope of the paper can be extended to additional CSIR and R&D libraries. A comparative study can also be made amongst other biological research libraries of similar status at global level.

There are a number of studies on the use of e-journals by CSIR scientists, but this is the first of its kind which compares scientists of CSIR-IGIB that has the largest computing facility (4 Tflop/s) in Asia outside Japan and CSIR-IICB, a premiere institute in biomedical research with the biggest library on biomedical sciences in the eastern zone of India. As such, it should pave the way for research and lead a model role for other CSIR Institutes as well as other R&D institutes at global level.

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