Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-16-2015

Document Type



The study of faculty members and PhD scholars of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K) was conducted to bring about current image about some core issues related to use of both online and offline e-resources. Attempt has also been made to ascertain some significant facts about their search strategy/skills and level of satisfaction. The constituent faculties of the University under study were surveyed through a structured questionnaire distributed among 90 subjects in proportion with their number. The study reveals that majority of the faculty members and PhD scholars of SKUAST-Kashmir are familiar about e-resources like CDROM databases, e-journals, e-books, etc. Scholars preferably use Laptops and mobiles as compared to Desktops for browsing their needed information. As expected, it is divulged that scholars prefer Google search engine mostly for browsing their desired information and ‘keyword’ or ‘subject’ searching techniques are applied by them to retrieve precise information. The respondents seem to be less skilled to use the advanced search techniques as a good number of respondents claimed that they have never used Boolean Gates (AND, OR, NOT); Wild Cards (*; #; $; etc); Truncation marks (??; #; *; etc) and the Phrasal Search "----". It calls for speedy implementation of Information literacy programs within the campus. Moreover, the study also reveal that scientists and the PhD scholars of SKUAST-Kashmir are not much satisfied with staff assistance; infrastructure; condition of computers and also face problems like internet connectivity and accessibility of e-resources, which is never encouraging.
