Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Theses and projects constitute a very important aspect of resource materials found in libraries. They are not published by any conventional means. This makes it a necessity for libraries to ensure that they are properly processed, preserved and made accessible for teaching, learning and research. This paper looks at the management of theses and projects in selected university libraries in Ogun State of Nigeria. The paper discovered that the methods of processing these materials include indexing and classification among various other methods. The major facilities for shelving and storing theses and projects as evident in the research are wooden shelves and cabinets. In order to checkmate the entrance of pests and rodents, eating is prohibited in the theses section. This helps in preservation of the materials. It was discovered that only twenty four respondents attested to digitization as a means of preserving the resources. The use of CCTV in monitoring the misuse of theses and projects is not a common practice .Only sixteen respondents maintained that CCTV are installed in the theses section of the library. The research also discovered that the major problems hindering effective theses and projects management include lack of storage facilities, insufficient skilled manpower, and lack of fund, among others. The work finally recommends that theses and projects should be catalogued, classified and abstracted. The installation of CCTV in the theses section, improvement of preservation strategies and benchmarking of theses management practices form part of the recommendations.
