Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-7-2015

Document Type



Technology is a mobile and integral part of many work places, and computers and other information and communication technology have made many users’ work life easier, but technology can also contribute to problems in the cognitive work environment and, over time, create technostress. Much previous research on technostress has focused on the use of digital technology and its effects, measured by questionnaires. This paper applies a distributed cognition perspective to human–technology interaction, investigated through Limesurvey to examine technostress, its effects and measures taken to avoid it among librarians at university libraries in Delhi. About 200 library professionals participated in the study. Data was subjected to correlation and regression analysis analysed through Quickcals (Graphpad software. Analysis reveals high that there exists a high level of technostress among the library professionals engaged in Delhi libraries. Moreover, no any effective measures have been undertaken to combat the phenomena.
