Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper is prepared based on the results of the research priorities setting process, being itself part of the National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran research strategy development project. The whole project was financially supported by the National Library and Archives of the Islamic republic of Iran.


Research priorities setting process for the National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran is reported in this paper. Mixed methods of research have been used to collect and process the data. Producing of research topics and prioritizing them have been done by a Delphi panel of 46 experts that was formed via a targeted sampling. Using a content analysis method and ABC prioritization system, a two part list including 74 "important and urgent" and "important without urgency" research topics have been resulted. Analysis of the "Important and urgent" research priorities indicate the need-orientedness of topics that are focused on the main functions and missions of the organization; while "important and without urgency" research priorities indicating the need-orientedness of topics as well, mostly concentrate on comparative evaluations and studies, secondary functions of the organization, and more general subjects that are part of the field of library and information science.
