Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



This study aims to investigate the researcher’s awareness and use of ICT based library services provided by Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. For this study, 200 questionnaires have been administered among research scholars through e-mail. Investigators have received a total of 160 responses from respondents showing an overall response rate of 80% and same have been included for the study. The study shows that majority of respondents (46.87%) visit the library daily, 38.12% respondents are frequently using online journal lab, 86.87% respondents are using online journal lab for research purpose, a very high percentage of respondents (93.12%) claim that they are aware about ICT based services provided by Maulana Azad Library. The study also depicts that online journal lab facility is the most used service by 71.87% respondents followed by online public access catalogue (OPAC) (66.25%) and digital resource centre (DRC) (46.25%), 74.37% respondents consult e-journals, 50% respondents believe that the application of ICTs based library operations and services have raised the usage level of library’s resources, 64% respondents rated ICT based library operations and services as very good, 61.25% respondents claimed that MA Library OPAC is user friendly, 28.12% respondents preferred simple search method for searching documents in OPAC and 56.25% respondents opined that they are satisfied with the help provided by the staff in MA library for the use of ICT based services.
