Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Library and information centres are playing a crucial role in the growth and development of the nation directly/indirectly by providing better services to the members of the society. Social Scientists have been respected for their role models, setting the tone and lifting the quality of public life by the professional and personal integrity, penetrating intellect, dedication to public causes, philanthropic disposition and commitment to public service. Electronic resources have become the vital part of human life in the 21st century. A large portion of social scientists of Alagappa University and its affiliated colleges are aware about the e-resources, but they do not know all its techniques and applications. Further, large Social Scientists of the Alagappa University and its affiliated colleges still have no knowledge about the e-resources and related applications. The study shows that the age wise respondents’ frequency of visit to the institution library. It could be noted that out of the total 1230 respondents, 40.31 percent of them make daily library visit. In this study, 27.40 percent of them make library visit thrice a week and majority of the respondents in the age group 46-50 years make library visit thrice a week. The study also shows that the status wise respondents’ frequency of library visits. It could be noted that majority of the faculty respondents (60.25%) make library visit daily. The gender wise respondents’ frequency of library visits. It could be noted that majority of the male respondents (41.08%) make library visit daily.
