Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 6-12-2016

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The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perception, use and challenges of electronic information resources in Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted. A census sampling technique was used and data was gathered from Two hundred and forty-nine students of 500 level in the Departments in College of Technology. The data gathered were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, while regression analysis was used to analyze result of the hypothesis. The result revealed that electronic information resources are used at different level by the respondents with e-journal, e-database, web OPAC and repositories recording high usage. It shows that users’ perception influences use of electronic information resources in academic libraries with (β =.214, p<.05). From the findings, it is deduced that users’ perception influences use of e-resources in academic libraries, while lack of awareness, lack of training, unreliable Internet connectivity, insufficient e-resources in various study areas, unavailability of e-resources on 24/7 and difficulty of identifying relevant information to meet users’ needs are challenges hindering use of e-resources. The study concludes that librarians should acquire more e-resources to cover various study areas, create more awareness of e-resources at the library to change users’ perception and introduce a 24/7 internet services.
