Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose: the present study evaluated the relationship between library anxiety and attitude toward computer based on as integrated model of ATC and BELCAT of public libraries’ user.

Methodology: the study was conducted using the analytic survey. A sample of 370 participants was randomly selected out of 10757 users of public libraries in Dezful city, Khouzestan, Iran. To collect data for library anxiety, Bostick questionnaire and for computer attitude a questionnaire based on ATC and BELCAT models were used.

Findings: the results showed that the most important factor of distress based on the scale of Bostick was"the comfort with library (mean = 4.41) regarding the attitudes towards computer components of “computer appreciation" (mean ranks = 6.95) was reported as the most important factor. In addition, users' library anxiety and attitudes toward computer in terms of age and educational level were examined using one-way ANOVA; and Gender was also tested using the independent t-test, but no significant statistical difference was observed among these factors. The results indicated a significant relationship between library anxiety and user’s attitude toward computer (r=0.157) (p< 0.01). Also, it was found that attitudes toward computer can serve as an indicator of library anxiety.
