Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The accepted way duties are performed, processes are patterned and problems are solved make up the organizational culture of a workplace. A healthy organizational culture provides opportunities for realization of full potentials of staff, moves leaders in the workplace to develop strong strength of purpose and direction in performing their duties, also encourages enthusiasm about new ideas and adaptation to change. The 21st century public library needs to embrace changes in order to remain relevant in its community by leveraging on its organizational culture which could be adapted to promote innovative services. Non-traditional SMS information services to People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), offering library services as well as telling the Library’s story through the social media, Job search corner, Idea Exchange and collaborations for promotion of literacy and teaching of digital literacy skills which were all introduced in Anambra State Library Board were driven by tapping into three specific aspects of its organizational culture –modes of communication and interactions, adjustment of the bureaucratic structure to embrace teamwork and the reward/support systems. Descriptive survey design was used. The population of the study was made up of seventy seven (77) employees of the Anambra State Library Board. Frequencies, percentages and mean were used to analyze data. Findings indicate that communications/interactions amongst staff and adjusting the bureaucratic structure of the organization to embrace teamwork both yielded positive significant mean values of 3.0 and 2.99 respectively showing that these two aspects of organizational culture encourage innovations more than the reward/support systems which yielded a significant mean value of 2.44.