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The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is gaining popularity for understanding the relationship between humans and technology through Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEU). The foremost rationale for adopting the TAM in this study was to present a foundation for ascertaining the impact of external variables on internal beliefs, personal abilities, attitude, mind-set and intention in attaining Information Literacy (IL) skills. The TAM is an information system theory that propagates stages to be followed by information seekers or learners in the acceptance, inculcating and utilisation of new technology to achieve information literacy skills. This study evaluates the TAM’s main variables for Information Literacy acquisition such as: Perceived Usefulness (the intention to use, user training, computer experience, system quality) and Perceived Ease of Use (computer self-efficacy, perception of external control, ease of use, internet self-efficacy, efficacy of library use, computer anxiety, information anxiety, perceived enjoyment and objective usability, behaviour and intention). We intend to contextualise the TAM by analysing and explaining how the variables are applied in relationship to IL among school teachers. The outcome provides a deeper understanding and development of TAM as an appropriate model for Information Communication and Technology for Development (ICT4D)/social informatics/community informatics studies and for explaining the relationship between Information Literacy skills and technology acceptance. The study adopted qualitative content analysis method by selecting journals and conference papers relating to the subject matter of Technology Acceptance, which were evaluated, analyzed and reviewed in detail with regard to information literacy. The study identified resistance to information systems as a main reason for the failure of adoption of new technology in attaining information literacy. It was suggested that appropriate instruction and training on the use of technology and application to real life situation can lead to better information literacy.
