Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 9-10-2016

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We acknowledge Dr Folorunsho, a lecturer in the department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Nigeria who inspired this work.


The study examined the Information needs and seeking behaviour of masters student at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria using Elis information seeking behaviour model. A total of 125 masters students selected from the three departments offering masters degree programme at the faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Nigeria constituted the population of the study. Through a survey design, questionnaire was administered to gather data from the respondents. Four research questions were developed and answered by the respondents. The results indicated that major information needs of masters students at the faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Nigeria is for academic purpose and the masters and their primary purpose of seeking for information is for their reading activities. They also acknowledged that uses fellow students and internet as their first point of call whenever needs for information arises. Overall, the respondents are satisfy with the information sources consulted when seeking for information even as they majorly use the credibility of the author to evaluate the information sources consulted. But they have incompleteness of the materials as their major problem in their seeking process. The result for this study correlate with Elis information seeking behaviour model.
