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Kasseh, A. A., Soheili, F., & Mousavi Chelak, A. (forthcoming). "Co-authorship Network Analysis of iMetrics Researchers". Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).


Using a combination of bibliometrics and social network analysis methods, co-authorship network of iMetrics was studied in the time spam of 1978-2014 and top researches in the field were identified. Then, the relationship between these researchers’ productivity, performance, and centrality indicators was investigated. Out of 5944 studied records, researchers such as Leydesdorff L, Glanzel W and Rousseau R gained the higher centrality measures. There was a significant relationship between productivity and performance. Based on multivariate regression analysis, there was a significant relationship between degree centrality and betweenness centrality on one hand and productivity on the other hand. Centrality measures explained 58% of variance of performance.
