Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Visually impaired people have the same information needs as sighted people. Just as sighted people might read a newspaper, listen to a CD or download electronic information from the Internet; visually impaired people also want access to relevant information in their chosen accessible format. Developing an efficient library service for print-disabled people is extremely important, because there are significantly fewer books available commercially in accessible formats compared to what is published in print for the general public. Libraries have a moral obligation to make information available to all categories of users regardless of their gender, age, race, political affiliation or disability. Till now library services for these persons were not adequate but the importance of making information accessible for visually impaired people is now realized by different sections. At present with the help of Information Technology (IT) it is possible to provide user friendly & adequate services for these people who are neglected for long time. IFLA have issued guidelines for development of library services to visually impaired. Governments of India and University Grants Commission have also issued guidelines in this regard. This paper describes the barriers faced by visually impaired, their information needs, highlights the special equipments and services that the libraries are expected to provide and provide suggestive guidelines for improving the library and information services to visually impaired.
