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This paper attempts to analyse the appraisal of electronic readiness for information delivery services, utilization, benefits and challenges for development of Museums and Monuments in Nigeria. Descriptive survey research was adopted for this study; the target population for the research was 784 museums professionals. Out of six-geopolitical zone which made up of Nigeria, two-geographical zone of national museum were selected for random sampling. Total enumeration sampling technique was used for the purpose of sampling procedure. Findings revealed that appraisal of e-readiness is important to Museum because of its level of availability and strong predictor on how well a museum can perform in the service delivery. Hypothesised relationship was tested using Pearson Moment Correlation Multiple Regression Analysis including Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). Results had also shown that there was significant relationship between appraisal of e-readiness resources, (that is r=597***, N=200, <01). It also means that electronic information resources service delivery, benefits of using electronic and challenges of using electronic resources were significant (F(5,194)=32,116; R=.673, R2=.453, Adji.R2=0.439; R<.05). It implies that museums professionals need to adequately and effectively use electronic resources, in the course of establishing the significance effect of e-readiness utilization of service delivery or otherwise. The result substantiated the complimentary roles of appraisal of e-readiness resources and the benefits of using the available e-resources. The study had shown that some challenges of using electronic resources had significant effect on e-readiness. This means that an e-readiness appraisal would provide policy makers with a detailed scored card of their economy’s competitiveness relative to its international counterparts.
