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Date of this Version

Winter 2017

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  1. HULME (E W). Statistical bibliography in relation to the growth of modern civilization. 1923. Grafton, London
  2. RISING (L M). Statistical bibliography in the Health Sciences. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 50; 1962; 450-461.
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  4. FAIRTHORNE (R A). Empirical hyperbolic distributions (Bradford-Zapf-Mandelbrot) for bibliometric description and prediction. Journal of Documentation. 25; 1969; 319-343.
  5. HJERPPE (R A). A bibliography of bibliometrics and citation indexing and analysis (TRITA-LIB-6014).1980. Royal Institute of Technology Library, Stockholm.
  6. HERTZEL (D H). History of the development of ideas in bibliometrics. In Kent (A) etc., Ed. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science.V.42.1987. Marcel Dekker, New York. p144- 219.
  7. SANGAM (S L). Obsolescence of literature in Economics. ILA Bulletin. 25; 1989; 59-66.
  8. PICHAPPAN (P) and SANGARAMACHIYAR (S). Aging approach to scientific eponyms. IASLIC Bulletin. 41; 1996; 37-38.
  9. BANDOPADHYAY (A K). Authorship pattern in different disciplines. Annals of Library and Information Studies. 48; 2001; 139-147.
  10. PADMAMALA IYYANGARI (Yamini). A study on bibliometric analysis of Library and Information Science Abstracts Aug 1999 to Aug 2000. Visakhapattanam. Andhra University, M.Phil. 2002 (Unpublished).
  11. KANNAPANWAR (B U), etc. Publishing trends of Indian chemical scientists: A bibliometric study. Annals of Library and Information Studies. 51; 2004; 39-41.
  12. ROY (Pratap Chandra). Institutional collaboration in Indian Library and Information Science Journals (1991- 2000). ILA Bulletin. 40; 2004.
  13. Kunwar Singh et al (2011) analyzed the research publications for a period of ten years from 1992-2002 to assess the trends in the publication patterns in DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology by library and information professionals.
  14. Hui-Zhen Fu,Ming-Huang Wang and Yuh-Shan Ho (2013)..Mapping of drinking water research: A bibliometric analysis of research output during 1992–2011. Science of The Total Environment V. 443, 15 January 2013, Pages 757–765.

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16.DORASWAMY (M) and PULLA REDDY (V). Citation analysis of Ph.D theses in Geography. University News. 39; 2002; 3-7.


Der Editor


The study consist of 371 citations which have been appeared in two volumes i.e., 8 issues of International Journal of Library and Information Studies during the years 2014 and 2015. The distribution pattern of citation by type of documents i.e. journals are heavily cited (43.54%). It was observed that books fell in the next order (11.74%) followed by conference proceedings, reports, symposia papers representing 28.42 percent of the total which occupy an important place in usage. The average number of citations per thesis was 125.18.
